Present below is a detailed breakdown of all the major link building tactics that are also accompanied by a detailed analysis of the cost, penalties and benefits:
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- Internal Links: Internal links always occur within the site itself and offer webmasters two major benefits, they are: The ability to help search engine spiders find new content, and the ability to pass Page Rank within the hierarchy of a website. Internal links are like the low hanging fruits of link building and unfortunately, this tactic is frequently overlooked by webmasters.
- SEO Directories: By and large, web directories are the telephone pages of the Internet. No relevance, no ranking, and no human input. With the exception of Yahoo, directories are an enormous waste of time and resources. The penalty risk level in question is sometimes moderate and even high.
- Comment Links: The concept is simple, right? Find a bunch of article/blog posts that are thematically relevant and start posting links with your keywords in the anchor text. But in terms of increasing rankings, this no longer works. Depending on the depth of your link portfolio, too many of these links can crush your link variance ratio. Dropping a URL in a comment isn't a big deal, but mixing in some anchor text in the "Name" section is a spamming signal.
- Paid Links/Sponsored posts: Paid links are the most common form of traditional link building. This is the process of finding potential link partners and offering them cash in exchange for a do follow link, with the anchor text of the webmaster's choices.
- Gov/Edu Extensions: Quite simply, these are the holy grail of links and have a massive impact in helping a page or website rank for targeted keywords. Political connections can go a long way, but a campaign dedicated to obtaining these links isn't the best use of time and resources.
- Social Media: These links are fairly easy to disseminate through channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. While these links might not get your site to a higher Page Rank, the ancillary benefits can be tremendous. One powerful tweet can generate dozens of high-quality back links across the blogosphere. However there is a high chance that Google will become more active in monitoring and using these social signals as supporting evidence for sites that have suddenly increased their link portfolios. But just remember not to turn your Twitter account into a spam zombie.
- Link Baiting: This process can be defined as the generation of incoming links through the creation of engaging content and tools. Matt Cutts of Google has encouraged link baiting. Hence, the penalty risk level is nil.
For further details contact: www.seoservicesagency.com